Monday, October 1, 2007

Why do you love me?


WendyCity Productions said...

Janeth, thank you for the kinds words you posted on my blog. I'm trying to be realistic about my chances of finishing Chicago. I'll be bringing $20 with me for transportation back to the start! I asked Sam if he wanted to walk with me (since he's doing so well with his rehab) and he said, "I'd die of boredom." He's probably right... 6+ hours of walking will be mindnumbingly tedius. So, I'll see how it goes!

RunnerGirl said...

Did he really say he would die of boredom?? Well that's not nice, entertainment value isn't the point! Make a friend with any of the several thousand people that will be around you, you can't go wrong :-)

WendyCity Productions said...

I think he's frustrated because he's competitive and can't run this year. I know what he meant by "boredom!" Sam's a good guy and very funny!

WendyCity Productions said...

Hey Janeth,

I've just received word about another marathon film being screened soon. Sorry for the long post but here's all of the info:

NOVA'S Marathon Challenge
Lutkin Hall at Northwestern University
700 University Avenue, Evanston
Thursday, October 18 | 7PM

October is marathon month in Chicagoland, and to celebrate, WTTW11 and NOVA invite you to participate in the excitement at a screening event for NOVA's new documentary, "Marathon Challenge". The show takes viewers on an adventure inside the human body, tracking the physiological changes that exercise can bring about in 13 novice runners over 10 months as they train for the legendary Boston Marathon.

Take a sneak peak at this gripping film and hear from a NOVA producer what it was like all along the way of this epic and very human journey. In addition, Hal Higdon will be on hand to answer questions after the screening about running, training and exercise.

RunnerGirl said...

Sound very cool. I'm bummed I won't be able to make that. Are you going? Are you going to the one this friday for Spirit of the Marathon? I'm going out of town for my marathon and I promised my kids I would relax with them friday night since they were are not going to my marathon with me, so I'm missing that one too. Do you think Nova will be showing this on TV anytime? Will Spirit of the Marathon be shown at any other time/place?

WendyCity Productions said...

I'm thinking about going but I'm not sure what my schedule will be like that week. I hope that Nova will broadcast it; I'll have to check on the website to find out. I'm not going to the Spirit of the Marathon screening because believe it or not, I think I have bronchitis!!! I hope I'm wrong and it's something a lot of sleep will fix because the marathon's just three days away! Good luck with your race this weekend!