Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Believe in the Run - We are Back On!

My friend Wendy and I put together a great clip for Nike's Believe in the Run contest. We ran into a problem when we realized that the original song used violated copyright laws so we had to scramble to replace the soundtrack. Unfortunately we have to start all over from 0 votes.

Please help us by clicking below, watching the clip and voting for us. Tell everyone you know and have them do the same! You can vote daily. I recently found out that leaving a review helps our score as if you have time...leave a review :-)

My special thanks to Wendy for helping me tell why I Believe In the Run

Please hurry the contest ends April 28th!


Janeth & Wendy


WendyCity Productions said...

Ha! This is great! I wonder if Sam Nelson will see this?

RunnerGirl said...

I hope so!

Mark said...

Very nice Janeth. You did a great job!

RunnerGirl said...

Thanks Mark! I knew I could count on you!

steve w said...

That was good. As kids I'm sure everyone of us has done some kind of running. The lucky ones of us still have some "kid" in us when we become adults. I'll believe in the run until I'm a 99 year old kid.

RunnerGirl said...

Steve W,
Me too!
Thanks for your support :-)

Mary Aguilar said...

You have always been an inspiration to me, from high school through our twenties and now into our, um, omg, forties... I've always been proud of you for going after what you want and for chasing down dreams you know you can achieve. Run to live, live to run...

Anonymous said...

Janeth, that was very impressive!!! Good job.

Tom C

Anonymous said...

That was an such a beautiful amazing video it so touched me to tears as it talks about your life in running and how it made you who you are today. A STRONG, Disciplined person! Im going to put on my Nike T-Shirt and hit the road!!!

Trisha S

Bea C said...

Your video is very good. I hope you get enough votes to win. Your mom sent me the link. I am an old friend of your parents from Miramar.

RunnerGirl said...

It must be a love fest because I admire you!

Thanks! I hope you are doing well.

Well you know how I like to make you cry.

Hi Bea! I remember you very well. Thank you so much for your vote. I hope you are doing well.


WendyCity Productions said...

We are Kung Fu Pandas!!!

Anonymous said...

Janeth and Wendy, Good job. Good luck.
That's the great thing about running, we can stay kids. We don't get older, we just get slower.
An Old Badger