Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Memorialize a loved one in a Diamond??

Okay so this has nothing to do with running, and that's okay because it's my blog and I can blog about whatever, right?

Well anyway I was bored and I was reading news off of and there was an advertising link to a company that will make a diamond with the carbon of a love one. LifeGem is the name of the company and I guess they are based in Elk Grove. Check this link out

At first I was totally creeped out by the thought, then I thought hmmmm, then I was creeped out again.

What do you think?


WendyCity Productions said...

I think it's absurd.

Russ Foster said...

Yeah. It is creepy. What if it was your spouse and at some point you get married again? Do you give "the diamond" as a gift to your new spouse? -r (fellow ChiADead)